UAW Local 249 TLO Information

Production Update 3/24/20

Local 249 has confirmed that their will be NO PRODUCTION scheduled for the week of March 30th at the Kansas City Assembly Plant.

Only skilled trades members considered “Plant Critical” will be allowed inside the facility. Management will be contacting them.

For all our members who will be on the T.L.O. continue to follow the instructions handed out in the flier for unemployment and Sub Pay Benefits.

As we have stated before information changes day to day. Keep following our Website, Facebook Page, and app for updated information.

We will get through this.
WE ARE LOCAL 249 !!!


Local 249 TLO Bulletin 3/25/20

Click here to download Layoff Bulletin 3-25-20

UAW Local 249 Bulletin


These are obviously trying, and stressful times and your local leadership recognizes the difficulties we are facing together.  We along with your International staff have been working tirelessly to come up with solutions that will best protect the health of our members, our families and our communities.  Nothing is more important than the safety of our membership.  We are striving to do everything within our power to protect your health and safety on the job from the effects of this crisis but also from potential long-term impacts on all of us socially and economically.

This is a very fluid situation and details are changing hour to hour and day to day.  We urge you to stay up to date with the events taking place at UAW Local 249 and the Kansas City Assembly Plant.  You can do this by viewing the UAW Local 249 Facebook page, website ( App and on the Local 249 Hotline at 1-844-371-1519.


You will still need to file your weekly request for payment.   A benefit week runs from Sunday through Saturday.  A weekly request for payment can be filed beginning Sunday after the week has ended. 

All TPT employees will also be on layoff during this time.  TPT employees are not eligible for SUB pay benefits but may be eligible to receive State unemployment benefits.  Follow the instructions below to file your claim.

Claiming unemployment is a two-step process.  Ford is taking care of the first step to begin the claim.  You will still need to file for your weekly benefits after your claim has been activated.  The claim week runs from Sunday through Saturday.  The week must be claimed after the Saturday week ending date.  Weekly claims can only be filed on the Internet at  To claim unemployment, it must be submitted on the following dates:

If you do any work during the week, you must report the gross amount of any wages on your claim for the week.  It is very important that all wages be reported accurately on weekly claims.  Wages are to be reported during the week in which the work is performed.  This include wages from other work performed during the week you are claiming.

If you are paid vacation pay, holiday pay, or paid time off for any days during a week you are requesting, report the gross amount.

We strongly suggest you register with Missouri State Unemployment website to track your unemployment in case problems arise.  Remember, you will not receive SUB pay until your receive unemployment (or letter of denial) because unemployment generates SUB pay.  This is a 2-3 week process to receive SUB pay.

We would like to thank the membership for your continued patience during very stressful times and also thank our Team Solutions and Skilled Trades members for all your hard work and dedication in providing our membership with the necessary resources needed to sustain us during this difficult process.  We urge all members to continue to follow the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local and state authorities.                                                                                                                                                                        slp/opeiu277

Jim Fisher                                                                                                                                         Jason Starr

Bargaining Chair                                                                                                                                President

Bargaining Committee:  Steve Chorbak                   Dean Freed                                       Don Picard                         Ron Pangborn



Local 249 TLO Bulletin 3/19/20

Click here to download Layoff Bulletin 3-23-20