Community Action
How important is V-CAP?
V-CAP is a resource that is used to fight bills that are against working families.
The UAW’s V-CAP check off is a voluntary program that allows each member to make a modest contribution each month to help their union support candidates who care about American workers and their jobs.
By law, Union dues cannot be used to support any Federal candidate, and in an ever increasing number of states, any candidate for public office. Our only means of monetary support for many Labor endorsed candidates is voluntary political contributions which are put into the International Union’s Political Action Fund, UAW CAP. As the political arm of the Union, CAP’s task is to educate, organize and mobilize active and retired UAW members to protect our interests at the ballot box and in the legislative arena.
For what political offices does the local endorse candidates?
Locals generally work through the UAW Community Action Program structure to endorse candidates for any elected office. They work in city, county, area or state CAP councils and are involved in the endorsement of statewide or local officials, US representatives and US senators.
How does the union decide which candidate will be endorsed?
Why should you support labor-endorsed candidates as opposed to other candidates?
Why don’t more workers support labor-endorsed candidates?
Sometimes workers make their selections based solely upon a candidate’s position on single “hot button” non-labor issues. That candidate, however, will vote on many more issues than just that one. Be careful.
Protecting our collective bargaining gains through political action should be a priority of every UAW member.
What CAP Does
What CAP doesn't do
V-CAP Check off
The UAW’s V-CAP Check off is a voluntary program that allows you to make a modest contribution each month to help your union support candidates who stand up for American workers and their jobs.
By law, Union dues can’t be used to support any federal candidate, and in an ever increasing number of states, any candidate for public office. Our only means of monetary support for many labor-endorsed candidates is voluntary political contributions which are put into the International Union’s political action fund,UAW V-CAP.
Local V-Cap Check Off
Why Labor Is In Politics
Labor Unions have always been under constant attack from business, industrial organizations and often from state and national legislatures and political leaders. Every time the US Congress or a state legislature opens a new session, a flood of bills intended to restrict the rights of workers and there families are introduced.
Workers have learned through bitter experience that there is a powerful link between the bread box and the ballot box. Gains won at the bargaining table or through sacrifice on the picket line can be wiped out by unwise actions of state or national legislatures and political leaders – that today’s wage increase can be erased by taxes or inflation, or your job vanish in a wave of unemployment. Thus, unions are in politics to protect the welfare and security of their members.
Everyone is involved in politics whether we like it or not. Here are a few things you may not know:
- Gas and electric rates are set by the Public Service Commission appointed by the Governor.
- Workers Compensation by the legislature.
- Safety inspections under the Department of Labor appointed by the Governor.
- Property laws by government officials.
- Teachers, buildings and equipment by the Board of Education.
- Children’s playgrounds are overseen by the Parks Commission appointed by Mayors.
- Unemployment benefits are set by the legislature whom you elect.
What You Can Do
Participate in CAP programs in your local union, your community and state. Help in registration and Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) programs. Work to help the election of CAP endorsed candidates. We all must vote for the candidates that have proven and will continue to stand up for our rights as workers and there families.
If you are interested in getting involved in state and local elections please feel free to contact: Jason Starr, President or Shirley Mata, CAP Committee Chairperson.